Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My wife and I have spent the last 11 years raising our four children. During this time I have often used analogies of situations I have come across with my children when talking with my customers about a challenge they have. I always hesitate with using these analogies as I do not mean them disrespectfully. I just find that the lessons I teach and/or watch my children learn have a direct correlation in the adult world. In fact, I think the world would be a better place if we all took time to learn from our children.

I have found in helping my wife raise our children, even an 11 year old, is that they are still very open about their feelings. When they are happy they laugh, when they are hurt they cry, when they are mad at me they let me know right away. Adults on the other hand typically try to hide a lot of their emotions for a variety of reasons. I posted one of my favorite topics from Robert Fulghum, ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN. This is especially poignant as my youngest just started kindergarten.

Over the last couple years I have found myself sharing the same stories over and over again. I recently starting joking with friends and coworkers that I was going to write a book. I even started working on the chapters. I figure a blog on this topic would be a better first step as I can write and share my thoughts as they mature in my mind.

I hope you enjoy these topics and maybe some folks will even take the time to share their thoughts.

Thank you,

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